About 'Webcams in Norway'IntroductionWebcams in Norway is an index of outdoor/public place webcams in Norway. It is simply a directory, and none of the cams are operated by us. The site is run on a voluntary basis and does not charge either for listings or for access. HistoryThe site started life right back in 1996, when founder Tim Jackson first got interested in all things Norwegian and started looking for some webcams to the country. Soon he came across "tomwo's" long-dead "ABC Live Kameraer", which was a list of 15 or so cams. A few of the links were out of date, and Tim had come across some more, so he created a small webpage for himself, incorporating all the cams he knew about. After a while, the list had grown quite a lot, so sometime in 1998 Tim thought it would probably be of interest to someone else too and put it up on the Web for the world to see. The site, at first just a single page, moved around several locations on the Web, and at some point moved from a single page to the now-familiar frame-based layout allowing fast browsing of many cams. The number of cams continued to grow but the site received only a limited number of hits until late 2000 when Tim realised it was getting unmanageably large. In November 2000 he built an entirely new database-driven site and gave it a new address - http://webcam.no.eu.org/ . Within weeks it was receiving thousands of hits. After a year of constant growth both in terms of visitors and the number of cams, Tim started planning a completely new site in late 2001 which would offer even more - new features, a much better design and overall a more professional site. After many months of hard work, what you see now is the result. Launched in June 2002, Tim hopes this site will become even more successful and provide both himself and others with easy and convenient access to images from across Norway. |
Latest Additions Domen E75 Domen E75 Harstad Samaåsen south east Kongsberg Skrim (01) Kongsberg Skrim (02) |